2017-05-24 | A轮 | 超1.07亿美元 | 本轮投资者包括日本的SBI集团、英国的汇丰银行(HSBC)、巴西的布拉德斯克银行(Banco Bradesco)、法国的投行Natixis以及其他一些来自世界各地的银行集团。 |
PAUL HARRIS ChiefFinancial Officer
Paul has over 25 years of experience leading Finan
ZACK KAVANAUGH Chiefof Staff to the CEO
Zack Kavanaugh is Director and Chief of Staff to R
TODD MCDONALD Co-Founder,Head of Partnerships
Todd McDonald is Co-Founder and Head of Ecosystem
Richard is the CTO at R3 and is one of the world’
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