Hubii Network(HBT)

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Hubii Network详细介绍

  • Hubii Network大图

    Hubii Network是一个区块链内容平台,平台将分散的、碎片化的新闻资讯集合在一起,形成一个具有多内容多形式的信息网络,用户可以通过观看平台上的信息,随时随地了解实时发生的各类事件。

    Content distribution is mostly broken and can be optimized. A blockchain based decentralized marketplace gives distributors more diverse, local, relevant content at better margins; content creators receive insights into how their content is being consumed and a larger share of revenue; consumers ultimately have more access to relevant content and more choice.

    Hubii Network is building this blockchain based decentralized marketplace with input and support from distribution, content and blockchain industry partners. Kickstarting this marketplace is Hubii’s existing distribution network reaching out to over 50 million people.

  • 币种名:Hubii Network 英文名:hubii-network 英文简称:HBT
    发布日期:2017-10-10 核心算法: 货币总量:
Hubii Network HBT历史排名

Hubii Network大事件
