发布:中币网 时间:2017-12-11 16:16:33 加入收藏 打赏
想象一下这种情况: 2013年1月,你以1300美元购买100个比特币,然后就不惦记着这笔数字资产。
俄罗斯加密货币网站的负责人Denis Derkach说,人们可以做任何事情来找回丢失的账户。
Veronika Marymur是一位催眠师,在20位客户中几乎一半的人找回了比特币钱包密码。他说道:“在催眠的帮助下,当他能够回忆起他所需要的信息时,我就会把一个人带入意识的改变状态。”
很多人因为一些奇怪的、奇妙的、悲剧的方式而失去了比特币。 从被烧毁的硬盘驱动器到直接的黑客,任何丢失的比特币的故事都不忍阅读。
Imagine this scenario. January 2013, you buy 100 Bitcoins for $1300 not thinking too much about the new cryptocurrency and the small amount of money you’ve spent.
Fast forward five years and you realise your 100 Bitcoin are now worth $1.3 mln. But you have forgotten the password to your Bitcoin wallets - denying you access to your million dollar fortune.
It would be a nightmare of epic proportions. You’d probably rather face Jason from Friday the 13th than not be able to access your Bitcoin wallet.
But if you live in Russia, you could pay a hypnotist to help you remember your password and claim your little pile of digital gold.
According to RT, a hypnotist in Russia is charging one Bitcoin to help users remember their lost passwords. If you unlock your wallet, you are also liable to pay five percent of the amount of Bitcoin you recovered in your stash.
Denis Derkach, who runs a Russian advertising platform serving cryptocurrency websites, says people will do almost anything to access their lost accounts.
“With the skyrocketing Bitcoin many of those who once bought Bitcoin as a toy are now kicking themselves. They are appalled to see that they could become dollar millionaires if only they remembered the password.”
Veronika Marymur is the hypnotist who has helped almost half of her 20 clients to remember their lost Bitcoin wallet passwords:
“With the help of hypnosis, I bring a person into an altered state of consciousness when he can recall the information he needs.”
Many people have lost Bitcoin through a number of weird, wonderful and ultimately tragic ways. From burned hard drives to straight-forward hacks, any story of lost Bitcoin is hard to read.
来源:中币网 https://www.zhongbi.net/news/bitcoin/941.html 声明:登载此文仅出于分享区块链知识,并不意味着赞同其观点或证实其描述。文章内容仅供参考,不构成投资建议。投资者据此操作,风险自担。 此文如侵犯到您的合法权益,请联系我们3111859717@qq.com,我们将第一时间处理。