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发布:中币网   时间:2017-12-12 11:58:28   加入收藏 打赏

分析师在CNBC最近的一次采访中表示,投资者正在抛售黄金以支持比特币。 支持者之一,RJO期货公司的Phillip Streible大胆地表示:“比特币已经瓜分了黄金市场很大的一部分份……

分析师在CNBC最近的一次采访中表示,投资者正在抛售黄金以支持比特币。 支持者之一,RJO期货公司的Phillip Streible大胆地表示:“比特币已经瓜分了黄金市场很大的一部分份额。

为了解释他们是如何发现这一转变的,投资时事通讯Bear Traps Report创始人拉里-麦克唐纳(Larry McDonald)指出,通常当债券利率下降时,黄金上涨。 然而,近几周来,当债券收益率下降,黄金同时下跌了百分之二,这是非常罕见的。

分析人士认为,这种转变是比特币等加密货币投资增加的结果。 据麦克唐纳说:


虽然黄金价格一直保持稳定,但最近黄金价格的下滑表明投资资金池已经开始转向加密货币了。 事实上,根据麦克唐纳的说法,作为流动性交易品的一小部分,加密货币总的市场份额已经比去年增加了两到三个百分点,正好说明“加密货币肯定会影响黄金价格”。


Investors are dumping gold in favor of Bitcoin, according to analysts in a recent interview on CNBC. One of them, Phillip Streible of RJO Futures stated boldly that “Bitcoin has stolen a large market share of gold.”

To explain how they are tracking this shift, Larry McDonald of The Bear Traps Report, stated that generally when bond rates go down, gold goes up. However, in recent weeks, the yields onbonds have decreased, and gold has simultaneously dropped by two percent - an event that is quite rare.

Analysts think the change is the result of increasing investments in Bitcoin, among other cryptocurrencies. According to McDonald:

"Over the last two years, every time rates have come down, and this week rates have moved lower, you had gold go up. Almost every time, there has been an 82 percent correlation between gold and bonds. This week, for the first time, that correlation broke down, and I do think it has something to do with Bitcoin.”

While the price of gold has been traditionally stable, the recent declines show the investment pool has begun moving into cryptocurrencies. In fact, according to McDonald, the total market cap of all cryptocurrencies as a fraction of liquid tradeable gold is already up two or three percent from last year, stating “cryptocurrencies are definitely eating into the gold play.”



来源:中币网  https://www.zhongbi.net/news/bitcoin/967.html
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