发布:中币网 时间:2019-10-21 00:00:00 加入收藏 打赏
On the 16th of October, 2019, CEO of THBC Professor Simon Choi, was invited to attend Blockchain Life forum in Moscow, Russia. This forum is one of the biggest events on blockchain, cryptocurrencies and mining in Russia and Europe this year, boasting more than 6000 attendees from 70 countries all over the world.
2019年10月16日,名品链(THBC)的首席执行官蔡汉强教授受邀赴俄罗斯莫斯科参加“Blockchain Life 2019”论坛。该论坛乃今年俄罗斯及欧洲地区最大的关于区块链、加密货币和矿业的论坛之一,其中6000多名与会者分别来自全球70个国家。
The forum was held at Expocentre, located right beside the main business centre of Moscow. Companies that participated in Blockchain Life included top exchanges like Huobi, Binance and OKExchange; associations like the Hong Kong Blockchain Association, and media companies like ICOHolder, bitsmedia and bicoinist. This was truly a global platform for THBC to shine.
As a global commercial credit economy ecology based on blockchain, THBC is sought by many exchanges. Coineal, a south Korean based exchange launched in April 2018, was the first to approach Prof. Choi. Discussions on the possibility of listing THBC on Coineal were carried out. Both parties agreed that the listing of THBC on Coineal would be mutually beneficial, as THBC is after all, an unprecedented application that brings together over 100 globally famous brands.
作为一个以区块链为基础的全球商业信用经济生态,名品链(THBC)受到众多与会交易所的追捧。其中,Coineal(韩国一家在2018年4月成立的交易所)率先找到蔡汉强教授,双方就名品链(THBC)在Coineal挂牌的可能性进行了讨论。大家一致认为,因为名品链(THBC)是一个从所未有的应用程序,其汇集了100多个全球知名品牌,名品链(THBC)在Coineal挂牌会是互惠互利的 。
After the discussion with Coineal, Prof. Choi was invited for an interview regarding THBC. Prof. Choi shared his opinions on how THBC would affect the future of the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. THBC connects time-honoured brands and promotes cultural heritages all over the world.
Prof Simon was then invited to an Company in Estonia stall, which specializes in forming crypto companies, obtaining exchange licenses and wallet services in Estonia. Note that all of this is legalized in Estonia, making Estonia the go-to country for such purposes.
Just as Simon was leaving the stall, we crashed into Dmitrij Pruglo and Tim Voronin, the CEO and COO of the leading cryptocurrency exchange Covesting. Prof. Choi was appointed as advisor of Covesting more than a year ago, where he helped set up the exchange from scratch and provided advice on how to keep it running legally.
蔡教授刚要离开摊位,就遇到了Dmitrij Pruglo和Tim Voronin,他们分别是引领着加密货币交易所——Covesting的首席执行官和首席运营官。一年多前,蔡教授被任命为该交易所的顾问,在那里他从零开始,协助建立了该交易所,并就如何使交易所合法运作提供了宝贵的建议。
Next was a meeting with the CEO of EVEN NETWORK, Alexsandr Kuzin. EVEN is a cross-chain development platform which allows transactions in any cryptocurrencies and run smart contracts on other platforms. Traditional platforms only allow smart contracts and interaction on the same ledger, while EVEN allows the transfer and exchange of digital assets between different chains, a revolutionary breakthrough when the project comes to light. Cooperation would be a huge asset to both foundations.
接着,蔡汉强教授与EVEN NETWORK首席执行官Alexsandr Kuzin进行了会面。EVEN是一个跨链的开发平台,它允许以任何类型的加密货币进行交易,并在其他平台上履行解密智能合约。传统平台只允许智能合约和同一账本上的交互,但EVEN允许不同链之间的数字资产转移和交换。当这个项目曝光后,这无疑是革命性的突破。合作对EVEN和名品链(THBC)来说都将会带来巨大的收益。
Yllo Messenger is a chatting platform based on blockchain. It is basically the crypto version of Wechat, where you can send crypto payments quickly on the messanger application. Transfer is very fast and with low gas fees. If THBC could also be sent on this application, user base would definitely increase substantially. Further discussion on cooperation shall be carried out later.
Yllo Messenger是一个基于区块链的聊天平台。它基本上属于微信的加密版本,您可以在该应用程序上快速完成加密支付。交易非常迅速,而且费用低廉。如果名品链(THBC)也能在这个应用程序上发送,用户群肯定会大幅增加。蔡教授与该平台会在将来再进一步讨论合作事宜。
Next, we visited BiKi stall, where Simon greeted old friends. THBC is listed on BiKi, which is a crypto exchange. You could exchange THBC freely on this exchange at low costs safely. BiKi is also hugely benefitted with THBC being listed, as a substantial amount of accounts were opened and traffic was increased.
Anna is a famous blockchain person in Russia and her networking is vast. She would like to introduce THBC into the Russian market as she thinks that such a platform would provide Russians and others alike with a safe gateway to buy time-honoured brands from a reputable source.
Coin Bene is a huge international exchange with more than 5 million active users. It ranks number 8 on CoinMarketCap, with 3 Billion Dollars of daily trading volume. Coin Bene would very much like to have THBC listed on their exchange.
Coin Bene是一家拥有超过500万活跃用户的大型国际交易所。它在CoinMarketCap上排名第八,日交易额达30亿美元。Coin Bene也非常希望名品链(THBC)能在他们的交易所挂牌。
Ivan Bratyakov, a long time friend of the professor and Deputy Chairman of the ExpertCouncil of Foreign Economic Relations, Federal Assembly of State Duma met Prof Choi for dinner and had a long discussion on how to implement THBC on the Russian market from a government aspect. Russian brands could also be listed on the online mall and reach the farthest corners of the earth.
杜马对外经济关系副主席、蔡教授的老朋友Ivan Bratyakov与蔡教授共进晚餐,并就如何从政府角度看待在俄罗斯市场推行名品链(THBC)进行了长时间的讨论。同时,俄罗斯品牌也可以列在网络商城上,到达地球上最远的角落。
来源:中币网 https://www.zhongbi.net/news/blocknews/155458.html 声明:登载此文仅出于分享区块链知识,并不意味着赞同其观点或证实其描述。文章内容仅供参考,不构成投资建议。投资者据此操作,风险自担。 此文如侵犯到您的合法权益,请联系我们3111859717@qq.com,我们将第一时间处理。