维基链WICC |2020年5月项目进展月报
发布:中币网 时间:2020-06-01 19:43:56 加入收藏 打赏
技术 & 产品月报
- 修正WASM合约部署序列化的错误 100%
- 修正多币种喂价的中位数价格计算的错误 100%
- 修正账户余额不足的错误 100%
- 去除更新资产的费用 100%
- 完善Bank系统合约的功能,包括发布资产、铸币、销毁币、更新资产 100%
- 解决多币种CDP无法被系统强制清算的问题 100%
- 改进CDP利息和罚金的收据处理 100%
- 解决结算交易处理订单开放模式的错误 100%
- WASM Wayki-X 合约增发/增发领取 100%
- WASM Wayki-X xUSD/XT系统发币 100%
- WASM Wayki-X 定制延时交易 100%
- WASM Wayki-X 合约的需求确认和开发 60%
- 公链V3.0多币种抵押测试 90%
- 去除更新资产的费用测试 100%
- WASM Bank系统合约issue/mint/burn/update/transfer测试 100%
- Wayki-X 喂价服务开发 70%
- Wayki-X 合约接口对接 50%
- Wayki-X 前端开发 40%
- Wayki-X 后台服务开发 40%
- Wayki-X 喂价数据源(OKex、火币、Binance)开发及数据确认 80%
- Wayki-X 喂价数据源(东方财富数据拉取)开发及数据确认 30%
- 维基时代完善资产交易页原生交互功能和页面跳转功能 80%
- 解决研发环境DEX移动端后端问题 100%
- 修复DEX系统挂单回滚后不撮合的问题 90%
- 维基时代资产页开发 60%
- 区块链浏览器支持公链V3.0 80%
- Wayki-X 项目合约测试 60%
- 完成4月锁仓分红发放 100%
- 公链建设
- 完成去中心化治理测试
- 完成多币种抵押测试
- 公链跨链相关测试
- 测试链升级到V3.0
- 应用建设
- Wayki-X K线数据开发
- Wayki-X 喂价数据整理
- Wayki-X 交互优化
- Wayki-X 完成前后端接口对接联调
- Wayki-X 项目合约测试
- 对接外汇指数以及股票数据
- 完善维基时代UI细节
- 提交上链动画、深度图等
- 修复DEX系统挂单回滚后不撮合的问题
- 维基时代后端添加公链V3.0新增交易
- 峰会:5月19日,维基链CEO 高航受邀出席区块链亚洲峰会日本站并发表主题演讲 —— What DeFi Should Be?此次峰会超5000+投资者与行业人士参与会议,3200人观看CEO演讲。
- KOL&媒体&论坛:5月22日至27日,Evan Ezquer、Julie、Elina Watson、Shahrukh等全球热门区块链KOL分别在AsiaCryptoToday、BTCHunts、BTCHeights、Coinedict、CryptoChainWire等知名区块链媒体发文:“WGRT Guide: WaykiChain (WICC) Governance Right Treasure”、“WGRT China’s New Fave Coin Will Potentially Launch an IEO”、“WGRT WaykiChain Governance Coin to Be Listed in 10 Days?”、“WaykiChain Guide”、自媒体部落格“WaykiChain New Governance Coin WGRT IEO – Rumor”。
- 文章视频推广:维基之星DeFi论文视频大赛圆满结束,获奖名单已公布:“维基超级之星”9名、“维基智慧之星”5名、“维基人气之星”1名。参赛文章及视频(币价、生态、技术分析)在Medium、Youtube、Twitter等平台发布,作品观看数量最高达3000+,评论互动为150+。
- 大使:维基链土耳其大使Vincent(文森特)在YouTube发布两期维基链治理币视频短片:“WGRT, WaykiChain Governance Coin Introduction”和“WGRT Animation Video”,视频内容优质、清晰易懂,进一步提升维基链海外社区对治理币WGRT的认知,浏览量高达2000+,社群讨论热情高。
- 社群:维基链海外电报社群热度持续高涨,本月维基链电报官方各群,日活量分别高达1500+。社群活跃成员增长3000+,志愿者自建治理币社群2个。
- 官网:维基链官网上线治理币WGRT白皮书(英文版)。
- 推特系列:A. 维基链社群运营经理教你如何抢购IEO?B. “全网红色联动——治理币Logo”该推特评论量高达1.7k+,转发量高达1.7k+,点赞量高达1.8k+。C. WGRT“大事件倒计时”,社群高度关注。
- Youtube:维基链官方Youtube发布系列视频:AAA:Ask Anglo Anything(维基3A侠问答) 第一集。社区经理Anglo Yan为社区用户阐述WGRT知识,解答用户关于维基链的问题。
- 维基链官方Youtube发布稳定币系列视频:“What is WUSD and how to get it?”、“How does StableCoin system operate stably?”(part1 + part2)、“How is the market prospect WUSD?”、“What is Governance coin WUSD”。稳定币系列视频内容生动、简洁易懂,加深海外新老用户对维基链稳定币系统的认识。
- 维基新闻:维基新闻(WaykiNews)完成第六期拍摄,视频将于6月初发布至维基链海内外各官方渠道,敬请关注。
- SMN项目动态运营:电报社群日常投发WGRT白皮书各国翻译版本(日语、韩语、越南语、俄语、法语)。同步运营:维基链俄罗斯群”、“维基链韩国群”、“维基链土耳其群”等20+个国家、15+种语言、共48个社群、50000+群成员及该国家地区推特、论坛;同步项目最新动态、DeFi数据、项目知识。
- 维基链开展的“维基宝宝创意拍摄大赛”,收获大量用户的创意图片与视频。此次大赛一共有134位用户参加,共计50+作品、获得累计2000+的点赞、230+的投票。一群充满创意的社区用户,维基宝宝活泼可爱的形象,在社区用户的塑造下深入人心;
- 维基链发布全球首创DeFi爆仓保险,遵循投保WICC价格越高,保费越低的准则,为用户带去抵押保障;
- 维基链稳定币WUSD动画课堂上线,已同步维基链官方抖音账号、爱奇艺、腾讯等视频平台。通过简单、有趣的视频,科普稳定币相关知识;
- 维基链直播栏目“DeFi你问我答”已经进入第十一期,直播内容从DeFi领域扩展到整个维基链生态。本月内,围绕Defi爆仓险的主题,解决用户疑惑;并延展至WGRT稳定币相关内容,直播聚焦用户关注点,解决用户问题。直播总观看量共计2W+,维基链将持续在直播间呈现更多精彩内容,欢迎广大用户观看直播并参与互动提问,直播中不间断送出维基链周边礼品;
- 维基链参与Gate.io、Lbank等交易所的线上活动,同步微博进行宣传。联合行业力量、增加行业影响力、提升品牌知名度;
- 维基链邀请并采访梦想社区创始人:梦想君,采访中梦想君谈到对维基链DeFi的看法,他认为维基链在DeFi发展前景有三大优势,一是公链性能高、二是团队可靠、三是维基链本身社区拥有大量用户。并且也对维基链DeFi的发展提出了建议。文章详情在今日头条账号——“维基链WICC”中阅读查看;
- 5月20日,维基链策划活动“维基链,等你告白!”。结合时下热点节日,聆听用户心声。通过活动我们收到许多用户对维基链的“真情告白”。活动增加社区活力,增进用户与维基链的关系,促进社区多元化发展;
- 维基链治理币WGRT启用全新标识,采用鲜红大G打造超级符号。文字采用无衬线字体设计,简明有力兼具现代感。色彩搭配来自经典的红与黑,高饱和度和鲜红带来更多想象。LOGO详情可在微信公众号——“维基链团队”中阅读查看;
- 维基链开展“征集WGRT口号、文章活动”。WGRT作为维基链三通证中至关重要的“调节器”,已经成为用户密切关注的对象。这次征集活动获得社区热烈反响,目前已征集到80+各具特色的口号内容。活动还在持续进行中,想要参加的朋友可联系维基链官方客服。
Technology & Product Monthly Report
Public chain construction
- Fixed serialization error of WASM contract deployment. (100%)
- Fixed the error of calculating the median price of multi-currency feed prices. (100%)
- Fixed the error of insufficient account balance. (100%)
- Removed the cost of updating assets. (100%)
- Improved the functions of the Bank system contract, including issuing assets, coining, destroying coins, and updating assets. (100%)
- Solved the problem that CDP of multiple currencies can’t be liquidated by the system. (100%)
- Improved CDP interest and penalty receipt processing. (100%)
- Solved the error of settlement transaction processing order opening mode. (100%)
- Finished WASM Wayki-X contract issuance / additional issuance. (100%)
- Finished WASM Wayki-X xUSD / XT system issuance. (100%)
- Finished WASM Wayki-X custom delay trading. (100%)
- Completed confirmation and development of WASM Wayki-X contract requirements. (60%)
- Ran public chain V3.0 multi-currency collateral test. (90%)
- Removed the cost test of updating assets. (100%)
- Ran WASM Bank system contract issue/mint/burn/transfer test. (100%)
Application Construction
- Developed Wayki-X feed price servie. (70%)
- Docked Wayki-X contract interface. (50%)
- Developed Wayki-X frontend. (40%)
- Completed Wayki-X background service development. (40%)
- Completed Wayki-X feed price data source (OKex, Huobi, Binance) development and data confirmation. (80%)
- Completed Wayki-X feed price data source (East Money Data Pull) development and data confirmation. (30%)
- Improved WaykiTimes native interaction function and page jump function of asset trading page. (80%)
- Solved the backend problems of the DEX mobile terminal in the research and development environment. (100%)
- Fixed the problem of not matching after the rollback of pending orders in the DEX system. (90%)
- Developed WaykiTimes asset page. (60%)
- Completed blockchain browswer supports public chain V3.0. (80%)
- Tested Wayki-X project contract. (60%)
- Completed the distribution of lock-up dividends in April. (100%)
Following Work Plan
- Public Chain Construction
- Complete decentralized governance test
- Complete multi-currency collateral test
- Run public chain cross-chain related test
- Upgrade test chain to V3.0
- Application Construction
- Wayki-X K-line data development
- Wayki-X feed price data collation
- Wayki-X interactive optimization
- Wayki-X completes the front-end interface docking joint debugging
- Wayki-X project contract test
- Connect foreign exchange index and stock data
- Improve UI details in Wiki era
- Submit animation, depth map, etc
- Fix the problem of not matching after the rollback of pending orders in the DEX system
- WaykiTimes backend adds public chain V3.0 new transaction
Marketing & Monthly Report
Marketing Report(Overseas)
- Summit:On May 19, WaykiChain CEO Gordon Gao was invited to attend the Asia Crypto Summit Japan Stop and delivered a keynote speech-What DeFi Should Be? The summit was attended by more than 5000+ investors and industry participants, and 3200 people watched the CEO speech .
- KOL&Media&forum:From May 22 to 27, Evan Ezquer, Julie, Elina Watson, Shahrukh and other popular global blockchain KOLs posted on well-known blockchain media such as AsiaCryptoToday, BTCHunts, BTCHeights, Coindict, CryptoChainWire: "WGRT Guide: WaykiChain (WICC) Governance Right Treasure", "WGRT China's New Fave Coin Will Potentially Launch an IEO ","WGRT WaykiChain Governance Coin to Be Listed in 10 Days?","WaykiChain Guide", self-media blog" WaykiChain New Governance Coin WGRT IEO – Rumor ".
- Article and video promotion:The Wayki Super Champion Contest was successfully concluded, and the winners have been announced: 9 "Wiki Super Star", 5 "Wiki Wisdom Star", and 1 "Wiki Popularity Star". The articles and videos (currency price, ecosystem, technical analysis) are published on Medium, Youtube, Twitter and other platforms. The number of works viewed is up to 3000+, and the interaction of comments is 150+.
- Ambassador:WaykiChain Turkish Ambassador Vincent released two short videos of WaykiChain Governance Coin Introduction on YouTube: "WGRT, WaykiChain Governance Coin Introduction" and "WGRT Animation Video". The video content is high-quality, clear and easy to understand, further enhancing the awareness of WaykiChain's overseas community on the governance currency WGRT. The views are up to 2000+, and the community raised discussion enthusiastically.
- Community:The popularity of WaykiChain’s overseas telegraph community continued to rise. This month, the official groups of WaykiChain’s telegram have reached 1500+ daily activities. The active members of the community grew by 3000+, and two volunteers built their own governance coin community.
- Official website:WaykiChain official website launched WGRT whitepape. (English version).
- Twitter: A.WaykiChain community manager teaches you how to snap up IEO? B.“RedPowerWGRT-governance coin logo” has reached 1.7k comments, 1.7k retweets, and 1.8k+likes. C.WGRT countingdown raised high attention in the community.
- Youtube:WaykiChain official Youtube released a series of videos: AAA: Ask Anglo Anything (Wikipedia 3A Q & A) in the first episode. Community manager Anglo Yan expounds WGRT knowledge for community users and answers users' questions about WaykiChain.
- WaykiChain official Youtube released a series of stablecoin videos:"What is WUSD and how to get it?", "How does StableCoin system operate stably?" (Part1 + part2), "How is the market prospect WUSD?", "What is Governance coin WUSD ". The video content of the stablecoin series is vivid, concise and easy to understand, which deepens the understanding of new and old users overseas on the WaykiChain stablecoin system.
- WaykiNews:WaykiNews finished its sixth shooting, and the video will be released in all channels all over the world in the beginning of June, please stay tuned.
- SMN operation:Telegram community daily publishes translated versions of WGRT whitepaper for various countries (Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Russian, French). Simultaneous operations: WaykiChain Russia Group, WaykiChain Korea Group, WaykiChain Turkey Group, etc. 20+ countries, 15+ languages, a total of 48 communities, 50000+ group members and Twitter of this country Forum; synchronize the latest developments of the project, DeFi data, and project knowledge.
Marketing Report(China)
- The "Wayki baby Creative Shooting Contest" conducted by WaykiChain has harvested a large number of creative pictures and videos from users. A total of 134 users participated in the contest, with a total of 50+ works, a total of 2000+ likes, and 230+ votes. A group of creative community users, Wayki baby’s lively and lovely image, deeply rooted in the hearts of the community users;
- WaykiChain released the world's first DeFi explosion insurance, following the guidelines of higher WICC prices and lower premiums to bring collateral protection for users;
- WaykiChain's stablecoin WUSD animation class has been launched, and has been synchronized with the official WaykiChain TikTok account, iQiyi, Tencent and other video platforms. Through simple and interesting videos to spread knowledge about stablecoins;
- The live-streaming section of WaykiChain's "DeFi Q & A" has entered its eleventh episode, and the live broadcast content has expanded from the DeFi field to the entire WaykiChain ecosystem. Within this month, around the theme of Defi explosion risk, to solve user doubts; and extended to WGRT stablecoin related content, live broadcast focus on user concerns, solve user problems. The total live viewership reached 2W +. WaykiChain will continue to present more exciting content in the livestream. Users are welcome to watch the livestream and participate in interactive questions. The gifts around WaykiChain are continuously sent during the live broadcast;
- WaykiChain participated in online activities of exchanges such as Gate.io and Lbank, and synchronizes with Weibo for publicity. Combine industry strength, increase industry influence, and increase brand awareness;
- WaykiChain invited and interviewed the founder of Dream Community: Mr.Dream. During the interview, Mr.Dream talked about the views of WaykiChain DeFi. He believes that WaykiChain has three major advantages in DeFi's development prospects. One is high public chain performance, and the other is reliable team. Third, WaykiChain itself has a large number of users. And also put forward suggestions on the development of WaykiChain DeFi. Article details can be read and viewed in today's headline account-"WaykiChain WICC";
- On May 20th, WaykiChain launched the #Wayki"Love", waiting for you to confess# activities. Combine with the current hot festivals to listen to the voices of users. Through the event, we received many users' "true confession" of WaykiChain. The activities increased the vitality of the community, enhanced the relationship between users and WaykiChain, and promoted the diversified development of the community;
- WaykiChain governance coin WGRT has launched a new logo, using the bright red G to create a super symbol. The text is designed with sans serif typeface, which is concise, powerful and modern. The color matching comes from the classic red and black, high saturation and bright red bring more imagination. LOGO details can be read and viewed in the WeChat public account-"WaykiChain team";
- WaykiChain launched the "Call for WGRT Slogans and Articles Campaign". WGRT, as a crucial "regulator" in WaykiChain's three-token economy, has become the object of close attention by users. The solicitation activity has received enthusiastic response from the community, and 80+ unique slogan contents have been collected. The event is still ongoing, and friends who want to participate can contact the official customer service of WaykiChain.
来源:中币网 https://www.zhongbi.net/news/blocknews/243256.html 声明:登载此文仅出于分享区块链知识,并不意味着赞同其观点或证实其描述。文章内容仅供参考,不构成投资建议。投资者据此操作,风险自担。 此文如侵犯到您的合法权益,请联系我们3111859717@qq.com,我们将第一时间处理。