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Project PAI 项目进度- 2021年6月7日

发布:中币网   时间:2021-06-14 23:29:58   加入收藏 打赏

公告和信息 01 PAI UP 移动钱包新版本上线!PAI Up iOS版苹果手机App Store商店: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pai-up/id1533457193PAI Up 安卓版谷歌商店:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.l...APK安装文件下载链接:https://paiup-pub



PAI UP 移动钱包新版本上线!


苹果手机App Store商店:


PAI Up 安卓版





请注意更新! PAI节点版本 2.3.1 已经上线!





git pull

git fetch --tags

git checkout 2.3.1

make clean


sudo make install

paicoin-cli stop # if your paicoind is still running

paicoind # to restart paicoind







请您发邮件给 contact@projectpai.com,或联系Project PAI的社区负责人

●在此链接参考DCR和PAI之间的比较: Project PAI 混合共识与Decred共识机制比较(DCR)





●PAI UP iOS 最新版本,现已更新到App Store美国区:

○PAI UP iOS 下载链接 :


● Google Play商店现已提供PAI Up Android:

○ 在此处下载PAI Up Android:


● 移动钱包链接 paiup.com

● 演示版本所述的PAI数据协议现在可用于测试,使用户能够尝试使用加密和存储数据的 PDP2协议规范。它目前用于PAI Pass等服务。

○ 请在这里测试PAI数据协议:


PAI COIN 池质押奖励摘要


●总额:7500 万PAI





●总奖励: 1640万 PAI

●平均质押持续时间: 22周


设置一个完整的节点并获得666 PAI的PAI Coin Pool 奖金!请根据此教程搭建完整节点,然后请您用与您的PCP帐户相关联的电子邮件地址发送电子邮件至:



搭建PAI Coin应用程序

● 创建paicoind的预编译二进制版本供他人使用,来获得10,000 PAI币奖励!我们希望使社区成员更轻松地运行完整节点,以及独立挖矿&独立质押。我们执行此操作的方法之一是通过提供PAI Coin Core软件(包括paicoind和paicoin-cli)的预编译二进制文件,从而使用户不必从源代码进行编译。

● 如果您想参与,请通过电子邮件发送链接,以将您预编译的二进制文件(适用于Linux,macOS或Windows)发送到promotions@projectpai.com。每个平台收到的前三个有效方案将有资格获得奖励。

Project PAI 去中心化经济的演变


当应用于PAI区块链时,最初的核心开发人员开始着手在具有比特币协议线路上为网络协议的开源代码贡献代码,并具有一些与众不同的功能,例如分布式存储。该代码是完全开源的,任何开发人员都可以快速使用它,也可以为开源做出贡献。网络本身也完全是去中心化的,这样任何人都可以贡献计算资源来支持网络。开源的挖矿共识也完成了设计和部署,这可以避免对网络的恶意攻击。作为开放源代码协议的一部分,Project PAI提供的API允许任何开发人员从任何应用程序进行接口。开发人员维护开源代码,并为新开发人员提供支持。


















Project PAI 鼓励开发人员在paiforum.com上与社区讨论有关新应用的想法。活跃的社区期待收到更多的项目并也使用它们。



PAI 开发进度

下面是Project PAI核心团队的开发工作简报:

● [PAI Coin Core] 开发团队完全专注于快速开发和交付 PAI Coin Core (paicoind) 的更新,以更有效地维护以下挖矿和质押的 "SEED" 原则::

○ 安全性 (Secure) - 安全性对于任何共识机制是重要原则。该协议必须设计为最大限度地减少攻击向量,并确保恶意参与者无法更改交易记录。

○ 公平性 (Equitable) - 所有利益相关方都应该有公平的机会参与挖矿。

○ 经济有效性 (Economical) - 有意义地参与共识协议的成本不应过高到防止其他PAI参与者参与。

○ 去中心化性 (Distributed) - 任何PAI区块链的参与者不应该能够建立对交易验证过程的多数控制。

● 这个即将发布的版本旨在解决不公平参与PAI挖矿的情况。团队目前正在研究及建立解决方案当中,一旦完成,将有更多更新。

● [projectpai.com] 网站重新设计正在进行中。新站点将更准确地反映 Project PAI 的当前状态,包括其新的令人兴奋的方向!团队希望在下个月推出新的 Project PAI 网站。

● [PAI Up 安卓] PAI Up 安卓版发现导致区块链同步在完成前暂停的问题。之前推出的PAI Up 安卓的新版本可解决此问题。请您尽快更新!

● 如上所述,PAI Coin Core(paicoind)v2.3.1现在可用!请您尽快更新!

● [Catena NFT市场]

○ 正在进行网站的维护和升级

○ 正在进行技术开源的文档整理工作

○ 正在持续跟进NFT生态合作项目的进展

PAI 区块链共识的 "SEED" 原则:

1. 安全性 (Secure) - 协议必须设计为最大限度地减少攻击向量,并确保恶意行为者无法更改交易记录。

2. 公平性 (Equitable) - 所有利益相关方都应有公平的机会参与 PAI 挖矿和质押。

3. 经济有效性 (Economical) - 有意义地参与共识协议的成本不应过高到防止其他PAI参与者参与。

4. 去中心化性 (Distributed) - PAI参与者不应该能够建立对交易验证过程的多数控制。

PAI 区块链共识的 "SEED" 原则目前应用于Project PAI的混合共识机制,未来将扩展到有用工作量证明(PoUW)共识机制(最新进展请在此处查看)。有关Project PAI 区块链技术和生态建设的最新规划,将会在Project PAI的新网站中亮相,敬请期待!




欢迎来 PAI 论坛 发表!


PAI News - June 7, 2021

Announcements & Reminders



Apple App Store:


PAI Up Android

Google Play:


APK for direct install:


UPDATE! v2.3.1 is finally here!

This is a REQUIRED update for all full nodes.

This update improves vote propagation to reduce the possibility of chain stalls. Full details here:


On Linux, the update can be downloaded and compiled by running the following commands in your paicoin directory:

git pull

git fetch --tags

git checkout 2.3.1

make clean


sudo make install

paicoin-cli stop # if your paicoind is still running

paicoind # to restart paicoind

Attention: SOLO MINERS

Please contact us if you are mining to any of the following addresses





To reach out to us for next steps, you can email the contributors at contact@projectpai.com, or reach out to a PAI Community Lead in a PAI Community Group.

●Check out the comparison between DCR and PAI here:

○Project PAI - Hybrid Consensus vs Decred Comparison


○Download the PDF:


●PAI Up iOS is now available in the US Apple App Store:

○Download PAI Up iOS here:


●PAI Up Android is now available in the Google Play Store.

○Download PAI Up Android here:


You can also download the Android APK version and follow the mobile wallet links on paiup.com

●A demo version of the The PAI Data Protocol is now available to test, enabling users to try to encrypt and store data using the PDP2 protocol specification. It's currently used for services such as PAI Pass.

○Test out the PAI Data Protocol here today:


PAI Coin Pool Staking Rewards Summary

Currently pending stakes

●Total staked amount: 75.0 million PAI (-4.7%)

●Total pending rewards to date: 4.4 million PAI (-18.5%)

●Average stake duration: 50.9 weeks (0.6%)

Matured stakes

●Total staked amount: 66.8 million PAI (+7.9%)

●Total rewards: 16.4 million PAI [24.6% over principal]

●Average stake duration: 22.0 weeks (+11.1%)


●Set up a full node and earn a PAI Coin Pool bonus of 666 PAI! Set up a full node according to these instructions, then email promotions@projectpai.com from the email address associated with your PCP account. In the email, include the IP address or URL of your full node. We will reply with further instructions on how to claim your reward.

● Create a pre-compiled binary version of paicoind for others to use and get rewarded 10,000 PAI Coin! We want to make it easier for community members to run full nodes and to solo mine and solo stake. One of the ways we can do this is by providing precompiled binaries of the PAI Coin Core software (which comprises paicoind and the paicoin-cli) so that users don't have to compile the software from source.

○ In order to participate, email a link to download your pre-compiled binary (either for Linux, macOS, or Windows) to promotions@projectpai.com. The first three valid entries received for each platform will be eligible for the reward.

The Evolution of a Decentralized Economy

The success of any new creation is a function of many factors and moving parts. Success happens in stages and has overlapping phases, which requires and depends upon the stakeholders to collaborate at every stage. The challenges encountered and forecasted can vary depending upon the structure of the creation, its value proposition and regulation.

As applied to the PAI blockchain, the initial core developers set about contributing code to open source for a network protocol on the lines of bitcoin protocol with some differentiating features such as decentralized storage. The code is completely open source and any developer can utilize it quickly and also contribute back to open source as well. The network by itself is also completely decentralized such that any person is able to contribute computational resources in order to support the network. The open source mining consensus has also been designed in a way to avoid malicious attacks on the network. The APIs available as part of the open source protocol allows any developer to interface from any applications. The developers maintain the open source code and provide support to new developers as well.

Complete decentralization brings challenges such as a lack of any central governing body or leadership. Thus the onus is on the community of users, developers and supporters to move things forward as they deem fit for the improvement of the protocol. The community holds the key to the success of the network protocol. In fact, one could potentially argue and imply from Metcalfe's law that the value of an open source, decentralized network is a function of the role of the community behind it.

An open source protocol is analogous to an operating system (OS). Its adoption will depend upon how users interact with it. This is typically done using application layers (commonly known as apps, which can translate to both web and native mobile apps). A good developer should not only consider the value proposition of the network protocol but also the supporting community behind it, their KPI's, and come up with apps which not just make practical sense but are also sustainable on its own with a viable business and revenue model.

Blockchain as an OS is still in a very early stage of market adoption as part as applications are concerned. It presents several challenges such as high transaction fees, lack of easy to use user interfaces, safety of digital assets and the reason to use digital tokens associated with the underlying blockchain. But every challenge also brings with it early adopter opportunities.

Some reasons that developers should consider using the PAI protocol include but are not limited to:

● The PAI Protocol is fully decentralized

● All code is available and open-sourced on GitHub, along with APIs for interacting with the network protocol

● A community of users in different countries which act as the early adopter for an appropriate app and provides marketing support, thus driving down the cost of user acquisition for the app developer for their app

● It has a decentralized and distributed storage protocol

● It has an open source KYC system for identification purposes and single sign-on account management

● Digital tokens which can optionally be utilized for transactions

Developers are encouraged to take advantage of current market trends in the blockchain space and create apps and interact with the community across the development process, extending to MVP launch and beyond.

Examples of upcoming applications utilizing the PAI protocol include an NFT-based art marketplace which utilizes all the above listed features of the network protocol. This application does the following:

● Artists can create profiles using single-sign on (SSO) and list their art pieces (in both digital and physical form) for sale

● All uploaded pieces of art are stored on a distributed and decentralized storage system

● Collectors/Buyers can create their profiles using SSO and browse through listed artwork

● Collectors and Buyers can interact with each other using a secure messaging system

● Collectors can pay for art using digital tokens and/or fiat currency

Developers are encouraged to discuss on paiforum.com with the community about their ideas for new apps. The active community is looking forward to receiving more projects and using them as well.

PAI Weekly Updates

Here's a snapshot of development work the team has been focused on:

● [PAI Coin Core] The development team is fully focused on quickly developing and delivering an update to PAI Coin Core (paicoind) that more effectively upholds the following "SEED" principles for mining and staking:

○ Secure - Security is of foremost importance for any consensus mechanism. The protocol must be designed to minimize attack vectors and ensure that malicious participants cannot alter the transaction record.

○ Equitable - All interested parties should have a fair opportunity to participate in mining.

○ Economical - The cost of meaningful participation in the consensus protocol should not be reasonably prohibitive.

○ Distributed - No individual participant should easily be able to establish a majority control of the transaction verification process.

● This upcoming release is intended to address the ongoing inequitable mining situation. The team is currently working on a solution and will have more updates once completed.

● [projectpai.com] A website redesign is underway. The new site will more accurately reflect the current state of Project PAI including its new and exciting directions! We hope to launch it next month.

● [PAI Up Android] An issue was identified with PAI Up Android causing a blockchain sync to pause prior to completion. An updated version of PAI Up Android that resolves this issue is now available. Please update at your earliest convenience.

● As noted above, PAI Coin Core (paicoind) v2.3.1 is now available! Please update at your earliest convenience.

● [Catena NFT Marketplace]

○ Website maintenance and upgrade are in progress

○ Ongoing technical documentation work

○ Follow up the latest progress of the NFT ecosystem cooperation project

"SEED" principles for PAI blockchain:

○ Secure - Security is of foremost importance for any consensus mechanism. The protocol must be designed to minimize attack vectors and ensure that malicious participants cannot alter the transaction record.

○ Equitable - All interested parties should have a fair opportunity to participate in mining.

○ Economical - The cost of meaningful participation in the consensus protocol should not be reasonably prohibitive.

○ Distributed - No individual participant should easily be able to establish a majority control of the transaction verification process.

The "SEED" principle of the PAI blockchain consensus is currently applied to Project PAI's hybrid consensus mechanism, and will be extended to the Proof of Work (PoUW) consensus mechanism in the future (for the latest progress, please view here). The latest plans regarding Project PAI's blockchain technology and ecosystem development will be unveiled on Project PAI's new website, stay tuned!

Questions? Comments? Feedback?

Sound off on PAI Forum!

Thank you for your support!



来源:中币网  https://www.zhongbi.net/news/blocknews/281073.html
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