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发布:中币网   时间:2018-04-26 19:49:00   加入收藏 打赏

TTT官方公告:Bit-Z为TTT唯一首发数字交易平台 ,中币网-比特币标志着区块链时代的到来
【TTT官方公告】TTT官方严正声明:Bit-Z为TTT唯一首发数字资产交易平台,望TTT社区的各位小伙伴提高安全防范意识,以防造成数字资产损失,一切消息均以TTT官方信息为准。特别说明:TTT作为开源项目,代码都在github,所以其他交易所可以自己整理,在其平台上线TTT。TTT Official StatementBit-Z is the first official digital asset exchange platform by now.To avoid any probable loss of assets, information and etc. Please be cautious to use any other exchange platform.TrustNote is an open source project, all codes are available on github, so all other exchange platforms can provide services for TTT exchange by themselves.TrustNote will not take the responsibilty for any loss of assets or information resulted from using unauthorized exchange platforms.Please, inform us if you observed any other exchange platforms rather than Bit-Z.For latest news about future exchange platforms or any updates about it, please only check our official website or our official social accounts.欢迎扫描下方二维码加入我们,让我们一起见证未来底层公链的成长。


来源:中币网  https://www.zhongbi.net/news/blocknews/38995.html
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