发布:中币网 时间:2013-10-11 00:00:00 加入收藏 打赏
Dwolla 是一个类似于Paypal的在线支付系统,今天Dwolla公司做出了一个意料之外但情理之中的决定,即停止对比特币交易平台的支持。很多国外用户使用 Dwolla往CampBX、bitstamp等平台转账已成为历史。此举将会对比特币市场的流动性造成一定影响。
Dwolla在邮件中表示, Dwolla不出售,接受,挖掘,托管或持有任何比特币或其他虚拟货币产品。由于最近比特币市场混乱和监管的不确定,使得Dwolla暂停对虚拟货币商家的支持。并给出了停止服务流程的最后时间表。
邮件内容:Dear Dwolla Account Holder,
As you know, Dwolla does not sell, accept, mine, value, take possession of, or hold Bitcoin or any other virtual currency product, and none of Dwolla’s users transact business with Dwolla using Bitcoin or any other virtual currency product. However, recent interest involving virtual currency and its exchanges has created uncertainty and confusion around virtual currency, and Dwolla’s relationship with a small number of its exchanges. This has forced Dwolla to reassign resources, funds, and services.
As Dwolla gears up for a new stage of growth, we recognize that we can no longer sustain this merchant base (.1 percent of Dwolla merchants) and its unique needs, and that attempting to do so jeopardizes both of our communities’ starkly different, but similarly ambitious, vision for improving payments.
Effective October 28, 2013 at 4pm CT, Dwolla will be withdrawing its service offerings to virtual currency exchanges and virtual currency related services.
What does this mean?
• Your account, and its functionality, will remain unaffected. However, you can deactivate your account from within your Dwolla dashboard, if you so choose.
• Dwolla aims to provide its users and the few affected merchants with the guidance necessary to ensure a smooth transition. To do that, we encourage users to over-communicate with our support team, report any suspicious activity, and revisit our terms of service to ensure uninterrupted services.
What is the timeline of events?
1. October 10: Only existing users with a 30-day history with Dwolla will be able to send funds to merchants affected by this change.
2. October 15: Affected merchants will be limited to sending money only, and will no longer be able to receive funds from customers. They will be able to issue refunds to customers at this time.
3. October 28: Affected merchants’ accounts will be suspended. No further activity will be provided.
4. October 29: Provided no security or fraud concerns, Dwolla will transfer any of the remaining funds inside the affected merchant’s Dwolla account to its linked bank account.
The decision to remove anyone from the network — no matter the circumstances — is not something Dwolla takes lightly. We are grateful for the opportunity to service and learn from these users. We wish the community and its pioneers the best.
Dwolla Support
为 什么这么说?因为很多用户尤其是美国用户使用Dwolla只有一个原因,那就是对比特币的支持。让我们来看一下在Google上面Dwolla的相关搜 索。很大一部分是和比特币相关的。可以预见,Dwolla会因此失去很多客户,已经有人在社区呼吁“Go deactivate your account and email them to let them know why”了,粗暴的停止对比特币的支持只会伤及自身业务和信用。
现在在美国监管的压力下,BitInstant停止服务,Okay停止对比特币支持,Liberty Reserve关闭,Dwolla停止对比特币支持,由此看来美国监管层对比特币的发展的恐惧已经到了寝食难安的地步。
转自比巴克 http://p2pbucks.com/?p=8316来源:bitcoin86
来源:中币网 https://www.zhongbi.net/news/blocknews/61285.html 声明:登载此文仅出于分享区块链知识,并不意味着赞同其观点或证实其描述。文章内容仅供参考,不构成投资建议。投资者据此操作,风险自担。 此文如侵犯到您的合法权益,请联系我们3111859717@qq.com,我们将第一时间处理。