DFT buy back and burn announcement for 3rd -4th Sept.
发布:中币网 时间:2018-09-06 10:37:00 阅读量:167次
Dear users,
According to
Detailed buy-back is as following:
Total bought back DFT amount: 6,420,704.653 DFTs
Total burned DFT amount: 6,420,704.653 DFTs
Average buy back price: 0.31520384USDT/DFT
Total amount spent on this buy back: 2,023,830.762USDT≈13,863,240.72CNY
Remaining DFT circulation: 157,845,583.7666 (157million)
Last week total trading: 16,882,015,140CNY
Total transaction fees: 17,329,050.9CNY
80% transaction fees added to buy-back foundation: 13,863,240.72CNY
Address used to burn DFT:0x0362226dec7a5339263e778de2b5b2a1dec4eba5
DFT burning transaction record:https://etherscan.io/tx/0xba9ed605f9c5ae5a67bf7805ab49ff2136362e20330f913f281f785ab899b943
Some of the buy-back snap shot ( due to high volume of the transaction, we only display some of the snap shot):
Thanks for your support!
6th September 2018
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