Joey Krug

Augur · Co-founder& Senior Back-End Developer

Augur · 去中心化预测市场平台

Joey Krug简历

Joey took a leave of absence from Pomona College to focus full time on Augur. He conducted the first Bitcoin transaction via sound as well as the first Bitcoin transaction via iOS-Android Bluetooth LE. Joey is one of the 2016 Thiel Fellows. Before creating Augur, he and Jack completed Sidecoin, which allows new cryptocurrency distributions based on "snapshots" of Bitcoin account balances. He works on Augur's back-end codebase (its Ethereum smart contracts). He is currently making Augur's consensus implementation faster and more accurate. Joey worked on Bitcoin merchant solutions and enjoys hardware tinkering and game development. He was his high school valedictorian and a senior officer of his college investment club.


  • Augur


    2014年11月 美国,去中心化预测市场平台 美国,去中心化预测市场平台 Augur 是建立在以太坊平台上的去中心化预测市场平台。利用 Augur ,任何人都...

