Valery Vavilov CEO
创始人兼CEO Valery Vavilov,在创立Bitfury集团之前,曾在多个技术和领导岗位上工作了15年以上。于拉脱维亚的里加运输和电信大学获得了硕士学位。
Valery Nebesny Founderand CTO
联合创始人兼CTO Valery Nebesny,20年IT和计算机科学经验,自学芯片设计师和软件开发,曾完成三个成功的芯片设计。
GEORGE GIVISHVILI ChiefMarketing Officer
George Givishvili is the Chief Marketing Officer for Bitfury. George has more than 20 years of experience related to Marketing, Management, Strategy and Organization development. Before joining Bitfury, he occupied senior management and marketing positions in various multinational companies, including Philip Morris International, Global Spirits and Terrafood. His projects include start-up operations in newly opening markets as well as running GM and Marketing functions in mature and established territories around the world. George has hands-on knowledge of marketing, strategy development, portfolio management, process optimization, HR, and project management. George studied Physics at Tbilisi State University. He graduated from Western Kentucky University with Bachelor’s degree in Marketing/Management and completed Executive MBA at INSEAD.
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