Tim M. Zagar

ICONOMI · Co-founder& CEO

ICONOMI · 区块链基金管理平台

Tim M. Zagar简历

Infatuation with technology and business is part of his DNA. Tim has a passion for establishing business models which are yet to find their place on the market. He started working full time on blockchain projects in 2013 with the goal of connecting the crypto field to the existing banking world. While out of the office, he spends his time riding any kind of board and enjoys travelling around the less popular parts of the world.




    2016年8月 斯洛文尼亚,区块链基金管理平台 斯洛文尼亚,区块链基金管理平台 ICONOMI是首个位于斯洛文尼亚首都卢布尔雅那区块链创新“神经中枢”的区块...


  • Jani Valjavec Co-founder& CTO trading

    Developer, thinker and doer. Truly fascinated with Bitcoin and Ethereum, Jani is always amazed by the New: New technologies, New places, New experiences. Cryptocurrencies were the “new” that sucked him in, as he formed a belief that they are a disruption which will enable unforeseen solutions for our society. Besides travelling in good company, he enjoys kiteboarding, snowboarding and any other adrenaline sport.

  • Ervin Ursic Kovac COO

    When you combine passion for modern technology and a law degree, you end up exploring a lot of uncharted territory. Sometimes you strike gold, or, in Ervin’s case, Bitcoin and blockchain. As he is always on the hunt for new knowledge and experience he found himself in the middle of something extraordinary – ICONOMI. To offset the modern, there is his love for cars and everything with an internal combustion engine.

  • Gregor Lah CTOdevelopment

    Gregor is a passionate and results-oriented individual. His modus operandi is to study the subject extensively to the last detail, then practice it till perfect. While in theory this is known to everyone, Gregor has the dedication and focus to see it through and he is always keen to share his knowledge with others (whether about rapid software development or bicycle racing).
