Jason Bukowski Founder,Lead Developer
Jason Bukowski具有20年的软件和产品设计经验。在90年代中期和创建的第一个SaaS营销自动化平台。他同时也在区块链资本咨询委员会任职。他尤其擅长开发营销自动化软件。也是几个流行的开源加密库的主要开发人员。
Glenn Rempe VicePresident of Engineering
Glenn is Tierion’s principle architect. He spent over a decade with Accenture where he lead engineering teams for eBay, Symantec, Electronic Arts, and Hewlett Packard. Glenn maintains several security and cryptography focusedopen source projects.
Eder Santana Developer& AI Research
Eder is the author of “Deep Learning With Python”, has a PhD in Machine Learning, and is a leading AI developer. He has worked on self driving cars atComma.aiandApple. Eder is a core contributor toChainpointand is working on a stealth-mode blockchain AI project.
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