Rashid Khan CEO
Founder of Infinidy Corp, one of Canada's leading game development studios. Graduated from theUniversity of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Created the biggest iOS theme park simulation game called Happy Park. Over15 millionpeople have downloaded Infinidy's games! Founded Dubsquad that became one of the largest video social networks among teens worldwide with over 1 million users. Selected byYCombinatorfor in-person interview at Mountain View, California. Early bitcoin miner.
Amit Shah CTO
Software architect & Blockchain expert. Graduated from theUniversity of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Spearheaded research and development while working at BlueRover as Vice President of Software Architecture R&D. BlueRover is a leading Canadian Internet of Things (IOT) technology company. Worked at several Ethereum based open source projects. Etherium Investor.
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