Michael Sprague

Rivetz · CTO& Cofounder

Rivetz · 致力于提高区块链安全性

Michael Sprague简历

Michael is an original web veteran. He’s developed and directed products spanning digital micro-transactions and trusted execution networks in the nineties, interactive TV and network video distribution in the naughts and more recently device identity and social media privacy. Michael’s career began as a developer and architect for a small but prestigious consulting firm contracted to redefine the global banking system for such clients as JP Morgan, Citibank and Fidelity.


  • Rivetz


    2014年3月 美国,致力于提高区块链安全性 美国,致力于提高区块链安全性 Rivetz是提供可信赖执行环境(TEE)解决方案的工具包,它可嵌入在大多数手机及物...


  • Steven Sprague CEO& Cofounder

    Steven is one of the principle industry evangelists for the application of trusted computing technology. Steven served as President and CEO for 14 years at Wave before transitioning to the board of directors. A popular speaker on cybersecurity and trusted computing, Steven has a strong technical foundation in the principles, capabilities and business models of incorporating trusted hardware into everyday computing, and is skilled at translating these concepts into layman’s terms.

  • Sean Gilligan VPEngineering

    Sean is a seasoned software developer and team lead, with 30 years of industry experience. As an independent consultant and principal at Open Systems Development, Sean built networking and systems software products for companies such as Apple, 3Com, Novell, Silicon Graphics, and SUN Microsystems.
