Luke Champine 联合创始人
SIA共同创始人及核心开发人员,父亲在Lotus Notes上工作,祖父在海军工作,写了八进制导弹制导系统。在大学遇到了David,在那里参与了开源软件俱乐部。几个月后,决定组建Nebulous。 I'm a co-founder at Nebulous, writing software to re-decentralize the Internet. I studied Computer & Systems Engineering at RPI for 3 years before my long-time friend David and I were bitten by the startup bug. I've previously worked in a cube at Akamai and Kronos, but I don't think I'm going back to that way of life anytime soon. I like chess, Taoism, 4chan, ambient music, and eggnog. Here are some projects I've worked on: Sia (current): Distributed cloud storage Sia-UI (current): A graphical client for Sia, made with React+Electron Mkvsynth: Non-linear video editor for Linux I have also written a number of Go libraries. Typically they exploit dark corners of the language to make it do things it wasn't designed to do.
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