Carole Duranleau

TilePay · Co-founder/Accounting

TilePay · 物联网与区块链

Carole Duranleau简历

Carole can be described in one word: “Logical.” She is a super-human-computer when it comes to number crunching and data analysis. She holds a professional diploma in accounting and has more than 22 years of accounting experience. Carole owned a business for over 12 years. She has now embraced the disruptive block chain technology. In her current role, she organizes all administrative aspects of the company.


  • TilePay


    2015年9月 美国,物联网与区块链 美国,物联网与区块链 物付宝为现有的物联网行业提供一种人到机器或者机器到机器的支付解决方案。...


  • Shawn Kennedy Co-founder/CTO

    Shawn can be described in one word: “Versatile.” Shawn discovered his love and passion for technology through his Atari and later through his best friend father’s Commodore 64. In his professional career, Shawn, through his own self-learning efforts, became a SAP Finance and Controlling consultant. He has over 20 years of business and technological knowledge. His undying passion, for hacking and cryptography, almost got him expelled from college after he reverse engineered assembly language-based projects created by his teachers. Shawn easily grasps new technology, and the recent Bitcoin block chain technology has caught his attention. He is eager to build a cutting edge platform for the Internet of Things.
