James Murdock

Blockstream · VP,Corporate Development & General Counsel

Blockstream · 楔入式侧链技术

James Murdock简历

Over the past 15 years, James has played an important role in bringing great technologies and services to millions of people. While at Google, he championed several major commercial deals for the company’s core products and emerging business units, including closing the first two Chrome OS distribution deals with Samsung and Acer. At Mozilla, James set the commercial framework for Firefox OS. He led the negotiations for mobile development and distribution deals with Telefonica and Deutsche Telekom, and successfully laid out the global partnership strategy for Mozilla’s WebRTC initiatives. James enjoys tackling complex problems and finding simple solutions. He is excited about the enormous potential of crypto currencies and is looking forward to defining and developing many of the opportunities that exist in the Bitcoin space.


  • Blockstream


    2014年10月 加拿大,楔入式侧链技术 加拿大,楔入式侧链技术 Blockstream是业内第一家旨在扩大比特币协议层功能的公司,主导研发侧链的扩...


  • Peter Wuille 联合创始人

    Peter Wuille 是比特币的核心开发者,也是Blockstream的联合创始人。 如果说比特币在2017年夏天经历了它最重大和最具有争议性的改变,那么这场演变可以追溯到一个开发者:Pieter Wuille。他仍有点神秘。在一个不乏自负和咆哮的行业里,Wuille却是与众不同,他选择用他编写的代码来替他发声。

  • 缪永权 首席战略官

    缪永权是比特币社区知名的贡献者,他是一位去中心化的倡导者并支持在协议的开发中将安全性放在首位。他与社区合作,参与比特币的扩容研讨会组织,并常常为比特币社区的活动及倡议贡献自己的一己之力。 缪永权除了在比特币行业拥有很大的影响力,他也是游戏业界资深人士和企业家,在发展创业公司的以及管理大型开发团队上都有着丰富的经验。缪永权还曾在育碧担任制作总监及执行制作人,带领团队开拓了亚洲地区的网页、社交和手机游戏市场。在进入育碧前,缪永权在位于温哥华的Sitemasher公司负责业务开发和运营。Sitemasher是一家开发SaaS平台的初创公司,并在2008年赢得了微软的Blue Sky Innovation Excellence大奖,后被Salesforce以二千万美金的价格收购。

  • Russell O'Connor, Ph.D. InfrastructureTech Developer

    Russell became interested in Bitcoin in 2011. He explored the Bitcoin protocol by writing a validating node in Haskell. Along the way he discovered how to use compact public keys and the CVE-2012-1909 vulnerability in the protocol. Outside of Bitcoin, Russell is known for developing the technology behind lenses and traversals in Haskell. Russell earned his Ph.D. cum laude from Radboud University for his work developing computer verified formal proofs. He was part of the team at the Microsoft Research Inria Joint Centre that completed a computer checked proof of the Feit–Thompson theorem.
