【Announcement】ZGC (ZenGold) Vote For Launch
发布:中币网 时间:2018-01-04 22:12:00 阅读量:142次
Dear traders,
ZGC (ZenGold) vote is open,Hope you will enjoy it. Voting entrance About voting
Voting bonus: 1,000,000 ZGC
Starting time: 00:00, January 5, 2018
Deadline: 00:00, January 12, 2018
Voting rules
Maximum Refundable Number of Votes: 200 VTC
Voting Range: 1 VTC - 200 VTC
Target Votes:1,000,000 VTC
Voting Instructions
As of the close of the poll, if the votes reaches 1,000,000 VTC, ZGC will be launched BTC market & ETH market.
Refundable reward: Number of Votes + (Number of Votes / Total Votes) * Voting Reward.
If the target is not reached, the VTC will be returned in full without any additional reward.
More about ZGC (ZenGold)
Based on the Metaverse blockchain, ZenGold is an application that digitizes gold to enhance liquidity, trading and retail models as well as provide increased transparency and auditability.
More about ZGC (ZenGold)
Bit-Z Team
January 4, 2018
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