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【Announcement】REBL (Rebellious) Vote for Launch Starting

发布:中币网   时间:2017-12-25 10:36:00   阅读量:109次  


Dear traders,

TIME vote is open,Hope you will enjoy it.Voting entrance  About voting

Voting bonus:  1,000,000 REBL

Starting time: 15:00, December 25, 2017
Deadline: 15:00,January 1, 2018

Voting rules

Returned:200 VTC one traders(Be return at the end of the project).

limit:Between 1 VTC to 200 VTC.

Target Votes:1,000,000VTC.

Voting Instructions

As of the close of the poll, if the vote reaches 1,000,000 VTC, REBL will be launched BTC&ETH market.

Refundable reward: Number of Votes + (Number of Votes / Total Votes) * Voting Reward.

If the target is not reached, the VTC will be returned in full without any additional reward.

About REBL (Rebellious)

The power of cryptocurrencies lies in the ability to print and distribute money without a central governing body. Unfortunately, most cryptocurrencies end
up being dominated by investors with huge amounts of capital and miners with powerful hardware. We are Rebellious; we will take the power back and put it in the hands of our community.

Bit-Z Team

December 25, 2017

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